I and my cousin, Fara, are very close. We share almost everything together. Dalam pada ber chit-chatting together2, both of us spontaneously will come out with sarcastic sentences. Tapi yg bestnya, lepas je kuar ayat sarcastic tu, musti kitorang gelak, no heart feeling langsung, cold heart! Padahal kalau cakap kat org lain, pasti org lain tu nangis punya....contoh-contoh ayat sarcastic, aku da tak ingat..nanti aku update bila teringat balik.
Most of the time, both of us always inspired by each others. I always inspired by Fara. For example, she got flying colours in PMR n dapat masuk MRSM. Masa hantar Fara kat asrama MRSM MUAR, aku dah bercita-cita nak masuk MRSM jugak. And I got what i wanted. Dapat masuk MRSM TAIPING. Then result SPM cemerlang Fara dapat gi overseas. Aku pun nak jugak. I beat her SPM Result dengan cemerlangnya. Tapi bab gi overseas tu sadis juga. Kehendak parents harus dituruti pada masa itu. I still keep that dream till now. i Want to have the feeling of studies abroad.
Fara likes to motivate. Ayat yang paling terkesan kat aku ialah
"In 5 years, who u are, dependS on book that u read & people that u meet. "
I am totally agree with that. If we don't change today, we will be still the same as we 5 years ago.
This quote by Fara really inspired me..........